The Promise

Kibble Adoption is committed to upholding the findings of ‘The Promise’ which exists so that children and young people in Scotland can
“Grow up loved, safe and respected so that we realise our potential”
For adopted children, we are committed to supporting them to grow up loved, safe and respected and recognise that “overcoming trauma requires a foundation of stable nurturing, loving relationships” and that “Adoptive families must be given support and attention required to love and care for their children, particularly where the ongoing impact of trauma and broken attachment is felt by child and the family“
We are proud that all of Kibble Adoption Ambassadors are all people who have had direct experience of adoption, either as an adoptee, or an adopter. We know that, “Active listening and engagement must be fundamental to the way that Scotland makes decisions and supports children and families“
Kibble adoption is also committed to highlighting the ongoing need for children to understand their story and are committed to ensuring that adopters “recognise the importance of children understanding their birth identity and the maintenance of relationships that are important to the child“
It is so important to emphasise that adoption is not the beginning or end of a child’s story, it’s the start of a beautiful new chapter. Biology is the least of what makes a happy family, the only true key component of a happy family is love and although adoption is a long journey with lots of loss and struggles, the joy, happiness, and security you help a child or children experience makes it all worth it!
As an adoptee I believe that the all-inclusive approach that kibble adoption are practising is amazing as its ensuring that everyone’s voice (big and small) is heard.
Adoptee – Young Kibble Ambassador
Read more about
The Promise